Why We Give


We teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing. Tithe means a tenth. When we tithe, we give 10 % of our income to God. God not only call us to give as an act of obedience, but to give generously. Once you are faith- fully tithing, we would like you to consider giving above and beyond.

Each year we set specific goals for outreach and campus expansion so that more and more people can be reached with the Gospel. Kingdom Builders are people who give sacrificially, above and beyond their tithe to help us expand the Kingdom of God. We do this by partnering with local and global organizations.

Ways to Give



Consider the benefits of knowing your gifts to the church are automatically handled each month. You can even take advantage of your credit card award programs as you give. Whether you’re on vacation or simply forgot to bring your wallet to church, your commitment to supporting Life Assembly of God continues. To give online or setup an account just click the link below. (To make a PAYMENT for an event, please use the link on the bottom of this page.)


We are now set up to receive Crypto via Engiven. You will automatically be sent an IRS compliant tax receipt.


To give via stock, use the link below. You will automatically be sent an IRS compliant tax receipt from Engiven.


When its not convenient to use your checkbook or pocket cash, try our Text To Give Option. Just text KEYWORD to 320- 209-7100 and you can setup a Text to Give account. Once you send the above text you will quickly get a reply with step by step instructions to setup Text to Give. This is a very simple and convenient way to give.  


We’d love to connect with you at Life. You can give in person or mail a check to LIFE ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud, MN 56301.

To make payments please use the link below

If you need to make a payment for an event or camps, please use the link below. We use the same Online Giving page, but you will need to pay under the Event Payments option instead of the Give option.